


When I was young my grandfather had a Sunflower garden. We would walk through it all the time. I loved it. Those are memories I have and will keep forever. It was a special place to me. A bonding place for my grandfather and I. He was so proud of those Sunflowers. My mom bought me a Sunflower outfit that I would wear all the time  in fact I still have it now. I wanted to be one.

That is how I fell in love with Sunflowers. To me as a child they were so tall, so beautiful and strong.

I still view Sunflowers as that tall, beautiful and strong. Everything that I want to be. They seem to stand up so tall with confidence. I want that confidence.

The colors of Sunflowers are so bright and vibrant. Yellow. Like the sun. They seem to make their own light. They are gorgeous and radiate with the brightness of the sun. Yellow is my favorite color. It seems to brighten my mood and my day up.

I made the painting above. I love painting and I can admit I’m not great at it, but I enjoy it and that’s what matters. I got the poem online and the authors names is Pam Stewart. I do not know anything about her other than she wrote that sweet poem. I love painting Sunflowers and using different yellows and oranges. Painting is one of those things that takes me away from the difficulties and issues I have. It helps me. It calms me and lets me relax, and forget about my problems.

So I would choose to be a Sunflower. To be able to stand proud, tall and straight no matter what happens. No matter what is thrown my way.

I have had a lot of ups and downs lately. Right now I’ve been having more downs. That’s just how life is though we all have good and bad times.

But I want to be strong. Strong like a Sunflower. Radiating light to people around me. To let them know that I can be strong and confident. Standing tall no matter what is thrown my way. To turn away from the darkness and my problems. To try to be proud of who I am.

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